
Share your iOS email

The risk of hiding your email

When you sign in to my magic apps with your Apple ID, you can decide to share your real email address or not. If you hide your email address, then I might not be able to identify you later if I ever create a new Apple Developer account (like I had to do in 2022).

It means that you might loose access to all your purchased apps and add-ons, unless you go through a manual account verification.

The simple solution to share your email

If you already selected "hide my email" for an app, you can't share your email simply by signing out an in again. However, there is a simple procedure where you can stop using your Apple ID with the app, and sign in again sharing your email. Here are the steps to do so:

  • open any of my magic apps, and go to USER SETTINGS
  • if you're already signed in, tap your account ID
  • check if the displayed email address is the real one, or a dummy address containing "@privaterelay.appleid.com"
  • if it's not your real email address, then tap "Sign out"
  • in your iPhone's settings tap your profile (at the top)
  • tap "Sign In & Security" (or "Password & Security on older phones")
  • tap "Sign in with Apple"
  • select and tap my magic app
  • check again if you selected "Hide my email"
  • tap "Stop using Apple ID", then tap "Stop using"
  • in my app go back to USER SETTINGS, and tap "click here to sign in"
  • tap the button "Sign in with Apple"
  • during sign-in select "Share My Email" - this is the most important step!!!! :-)
  • after you signed in, check if your real email address is displayed in my app

That's it, now all your previously purchased content is safe, and I can identify you also with other developer accounts. :-)

Please see the screenshots of the whole process:

Registration successfull

You will receive your password in email,
please check your inbox!
This email address is already registered

You will receive your new password in email,
please check your inbox!
Please try later

We accept registrations from the same IP address only once in 5 minutes. Please try again later!
Please try later

We accept registrations from the same IP address only once in 5 minutes. Please try again later!
Bad captcha

You have entered a bad captcha, the form has not been sent.
Invalid email address

Please enter a valid email address
and try again!
Wrong email/password

Please enter the correct email address
and password, and try again!
Wrong email address

There is no registered user
with the given email address.
Update successfull

Your personal settings have been updated.
Wrong email address

This email address has been already registered.
Please try another email address!
Wrong email address

Wrong email format, please correct!
Did you forget something?

Before registering, please read and accept
the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy!
