
BS Magic Account Manager

BS Magic Account Manager

In the Account Manager you can check your user details (username, PIN etc.) for my magc apps, also you can see a list of all your purchased apps and ad-ons that are tied to your account. You can also activate new purchased features by entering the activation code.

Click here to sign in to the Account Manager

Why I'm asking you to use the Account Manager

In my apps iOS users sign in with their Apple ID's, and my app receives a unique user ID like 001234.5678 and also their email address - if they didin't hide the email when signing in. The problem is with users who hide their email address, and my app only receives a random email like [email protected], which is different with each sign-in. These users can only be identified with their unique ID.

In September 2022 I had to terminate my company, and had to create a new Apple Developer account. Since then iOS users have a new ID, which starts with the same numbers, but ends with different digits (001234.5678 => 001234.6894). Unfortunately more user IDs are starting with the same digits, so since September 2022 I can't tell if a user has already signed in before (in apps published with my old developer account) or not. And I also can't tell if a user has purchased an app or paid feature, or not.

Luckily, at bsmagic.app/account iOS users can still sign in to my old system, and also to my new system - and I can connect their old user ID with their new one (that's why they have to sign in TWICE). Also they can choose not to hide their email address, so in the future I can also identify them by their email.

Long story short, if iOS users don't want t loose licences to any purchased items, they should sign in to the account manager until February 2024, so I get both their old and new user IDs (and hopefully their email address, too).

If you have hidden your Apple ID email address, please check out this page as well: Share your iOS email

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Registration successfull

You will receive your password in email,
please check your inbox!
This email address is already registered

You will receive your new password in email,
please check your inbox!
Please try later

We accept registrations from the same IP address only once in 5 minutes. Please try again later!
Please try later

We accept registrations from the same IP address only once in 5 minutes. Please try again later!
Bad captcha

You have entered a bad captcha, the form has not been sent.
Invalid email address

Please enter a valid email address
and try again!
Wrong email/password

Please enter the correct email address
and password, and try again!
Wrong email address

There is no registered user
with the given email address.
Update successfull

Your personal settings have been updated.
Wrong email address

This email address has been already registered.
Please try another email address!
Wrong email address

Wrong email format, please correct!
Did you forget something?

Before registering, please read and accept
the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy!
